Hello, and welcome to my domain. This is what I hope to be a place where anyone can come and read a good (I hope) story. In whatever time I have available, I will try and post the story I am writing about a wonderful online role playing game called RuneScape. I need to make a few things clear first: I DID NOT INVENT THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THE STORY! Now, that doesn't mean I copied and pasted the entire thing from somewhere either. The setting is in the game of RuneScape, which I did NOT create. The characters are mostly my ideas. And some of the weapons are NOT my creation. I do not want you to think I am a genius who invented the entire thing at age 13, but I still would like you to think of me as a future author. Now, after that's over with, there is one more thing I'd like to take care of before I shove you into the depths of text that i have made.
I feel that I need to introduce the characters of my story:
Rorek: a young man of 21 with ambition, and strength. He has a love for magic, in all shapes and forms, even though he is a mage, he is still quite skilled in the ways of physical combat. He has possession of considerable knowledge for his young age.
Orik: Rorek's little brother, but not by much. Orik is less skilled in the magical arts than his older brother, but if necessary, he can be a fairly formidable opponent in either magic or might. Though he usually prefers the latter of the two methods.
Gower: the head mage at the prestigious Wizard's Guild in the small town of Yanille. He is a formidable magical fighter that relies on wit rather than muscle. Although he is a busy man, he finds time to be friends with the fierce young prodigy, Rorek.
P.S. If you would like to look me up in the game of RuneScape, my username is Dark Magi482. Please feel free to talk to me about any questions you may have, or any comments about my story that you would like to give.